Tykes Stirrings

Tykes Stirrings
For Folk in and around Yorkshire
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
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Advertising in Tykes Stirrings

Copy Dates

Copy DatePeriod Covered
20th JanuarySPRING (Mar-Apr-May)
20th AprilSUMMER (June-July-Aug)
20th JulyAUTUMN (Sep-Oct-Nov)
20th OctoberWINTER (Dec-Jan-Feb)
There are two rates for advertising within the pages of TYKES´ Stirrings: The NON-CLUB rate and the CLUB rate.
The NON-CLUB rate (which includes festivals) is higher than the CLUB rate for very obvious reasons.

If you have any problems with Paypal payments please contact webmaster@tykesstirrings.org.uk.

Note all adverts are now available in full colour.

Cover Page Adverts

Please email graphics@tykesstirrings.org.uk for prices and availablity on inside front cover and back cover adverts.

SIZES: height(mm) X width(mm)

Full Page
(190 x 130mm or A5 full bleed)
Club 1 issue £34
Non-club 1 issue £42

Half Page Landscape
(90 x 130mm)
Club 1 issue £20
Non-club 1 issue £26

Half Page Portrait
(190 x 60mm)
Club 1 issue £20
Non-club 1 issue £26

Quarter Page
(90 x 60mm)
Club 1 issue £14
Non-club 1 issue £20

Other Ads and Chargeable Services

FOR SALE & WANTED: Up to 20 words: £5 and 15p per word thereafter
FLYERS: We are sorry, but through retirement of the printer, this service is discontinued.
PRINT FINISHING: (all sizes):for reduction/enlargement & non-camera-ready ads: £10
Please try and keep to the sizes shown. We will re-size for you, but if it's a complicated job we may have to charge you for re-setting.

Smallest file size should be 300dpi (dots per inch) and acceptable file types are jpg, tiff, pdf or eps.
Word Docs may work but there is no guarantee. It's much better to convert them to pdfs before you send.
Publisher files will not be accepted: please convert these to PDFs.
Assistance will be given on how to convert files to PDFs if you need it.

We always prefer that you email your finished artwork to our graphics slave: graphics@tykesstirrings.org.uk.

Manual Payment

If you prefer not to buy advertising space online please make cheques out to Tykes News Association and send (including hard copy if you need to) to this address please…

TykesStirrings - Advertising
14 Sunny Hill Grove
West Yorkshire
BD21 1RU